Sector: Public Services No. of invoices: 60,000+ p.a No. of users: 2 full-time users + 3 part-time users Partner involvement: Unit4 Operates in: UK Customer since: January 2024
Integration with Unit4 to ensure transparency and control of order and invoice processing and information.
Greater ‘straight through’ processing, resulting in reduced administration time required to process invoices.
Greater visibility of performance to focus improvement work.
Support further implementation of ‘No PO, No Pay’ policy.
How Proactis helped
Provided an automated solution for invoice processing.
Greater access to data to provide management reports on performance.
Easy integration with Unit4.
Reduction in administration time required to process invoices.
Supports the Councils existing ‘No PO, No Pay’ policy.
Streamlined invoice payment process and full visibility of spending.
Improved communication channels with suppliers, allowing quicker resolution for queries and errors.
When received, any invoice which fails the No PO, No Pay criteria is automatically returned to the sender via the query desk.