Environmental, Social, and Governance Priorities and Our Values

Our Strategy

At Proactis, we are proud to be responsible for financial, social, economic and environmental performance by practising strong, credible and responsible corporate behavior, governance and transparency in key social, economic, environmental and business areas. Our corporate sustainability strategy is based on a set of clear Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) priorities. 

We are certain that we can positively affect our own business, help our customers manage their impact on society and the planet, and support the needs and interests of the communities and natural environment where we operate.

Our ESG Framework

Success is increasingly measured in terms of our impact on the environment, on society, and on the ways in which we take care of everyone. Our corporate sustainability strategy has been developed according to a set of ESG priorities to protect people, the planet and ethical standards in business...


We care about the planet and aim to help our customers reduce their environmental footprint while also reducing our own, including in the following areas:
  • Sustainable Procurement
  • Energy & Emissions.
  • Resource Management.


We impact society through promoting a transparent, collaborative, diverse, and inclusive culture and enabling our employees, customers, suppliers, and communities to challenge through:
  • Employee Health, Wellbeing & Engagement.
  • Diversity & Inclusion.
  • Talent & Culture.


We achieve strong governance practices and solutions by being a trusted partner through:
  • Risk Management.
  • Policy Coverage.
  • Data Privacy & Security.
  • Board Composition.

Proactis joins the
UN Global Compact Network

Proactis is a member of the UN Global Compact, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to delivering UN Sustainable Development Goals and corporate responsibility in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Proactis' strategy is in line with the 10 core principles set out by the UN Global Compact:

  • Support and respect of the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights;

  • and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

  • The upholding of the freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
  • the effective abolition of child labor;
  • the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
  • and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
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Proactis joins the UN Global Compact Network

Proactis awarded Bronze
Sustainability Rating by EcoVadis

Proactis has been awarded the Bronze sustainability rating from EcoVadis, an independent rating agency that assesses environmental performance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The rating is based on Proactis' sustainability management and advanced approach to CSR.

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Proactis teams up with Ecologi to tackle climate change as part of ESG strategy

Proactis has joined Ecologi to fight climate change by investing in viable climate solutions as part of its wider ESG strategy. As part of this initiative, Proactis is planting trees to grow a “Proactis Forest” along with investing in wider carbon reducing projects in an effort to offset the entire company’s carbon emissions.


Our Values

At Proactis, our core values – Our Customers, Our People, Our Planet, Our Quality, One Proactis – guide our actions every day and are used to help shape our business decisions.

They are a set of principles that illustrate what we stand for; they define who we are and are the guiding principles for everything we do. We believe we have responsibilities to serve all of our stakeholders – including customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and more, and we create value for all our colleagues, customers and communities by committing to:

Our Customers

We will share ownership of our customers’ success and their return on investment.

Our People

We will support our people to be successful by providing enriching experiences within a mutually supportive relationship.

Our Planet

We will make decisions and policies that protect our planet.

Our Quality

We will deliver quality in every aspect of
what we do.

One Proactis 

We believe in simplicity, scalability and
efficiency through singularity.

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Proactis Rego:
Source-to-Pay Solutions

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