Modern Slavery Statement

Proactis Holdings Limited is a global software company with over 25 years of experience in delivering and supporting software solutions that help customers to achieve greater control and visibility of their spend.

As a software company, Proactis does not have an extensive range of local or international suppliers where modern slavery or human trafficking would generally be a material risk. Regardless, Proactis is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. Proactis has spent the past year implementing improvements to its systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not take place anywhere in our business or supply chains.

Proactis has reviewed its systems and controls in relation to the Modern Slavery Act (“the Act”). This involved:
  1. Identifying, assessing and monitoring potential risk areas in our supply chains;
  2. Mitigating the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains and;
  3. Improving the effectiveness of points 1+2 through regular reviews and process
Proactis has reviewed how we engage with our supplier base to ensure that they will be compliant with the Act.

Proactis has reviewed its supply chains and businesses in territories that fall within the criteria of the Act (those companies which carry on business in any part of the UK and supply goods or services with a minimum annual turnover of £36million).

Proactis has a Supplier Code of Conduct policy (available on our website here), has enhanced its Supplier Onboarding process in addition to updating other internal policy documents as appropriate.

The Proactis Board has overall responsibility for ensuring the new policies comply with our legal and ethical obligations and that all those under our control comply. The Proactis Compliance and Quality Manager has primary and day-to-day responsibilities for implementing the policy and monitoring its use and effectiveness.

The following Proactis entities fall within the criteria defined in the Act: Proactis Limited, Proactis Overseas Ltd, Proactis Accelerated Payment Ltd and Proactis Tenders Ltd.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Act and has been approved by Proactis’ Board of Directors.
Signed by Adrian McShane-Chapman
Title: People Experience Director
Proactis Holdings Limited

Last updated: October 2024 | Next review: October 2025