Achieve best value with an e-Sourcing solution that fits your needs

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Effectively defining the buying need and selecting the right supplier is critical for an organization that wants to reduce both cost and risk. But whether it's for a one-time capital equipment purchase or service contract, or for ongoing supply of frequently used goods or services, the sourcing process can be complex and time-consuming.


Proactis helps to streamline and standardize sourcing processes to improve Procurement capacity and achieve best value. Sourcing events can be performed in a fast, consistent, successful manner by either functional departments or Procurement in a fraction of the time. And in some categories, the ability to perform frequent, effective eAuctions can drive even greater savings.

Proactis capabilities:

Increase the scope of Procurement-led strategic sourcing for goods and services.
Expand the range of potential suppliers with more frequent competitive bidding.
Improve supplier relations due to transparent, efficient selection processes.
Achieve consistent compliance with regulatory requirements and guidelines.
Reduce administrative costs and lost productivity.