What's new in Proactis Marketplace?

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Request a change in the offer

Instead of going back-and-forth with your supplier by email or phone, you can now simply request a change in the offer via the Rego Marketplace with the enhanced option to now include one or multiple attachments.

You tell your supplier what change you require, and they will get the message and supporting information immediately.

Quick, easy and everything in one place!

Request a change in the offer

Managing Shopping Lists made even easier

It is now possible to upload and replace Shopping Lists as an admin user on behalf of other users. You can do this by including one or multiple usernames in the Shopping List file.

Once included in the file and uploaded it will be applicable for all indicated users as you can see in the example. This way it is even easier for admin users to manage the Shopping Lists.
Managing Shopping Lists made even easier

Friendly by nature

User friendliness is a term that is often used, but hard to define – but we keep doing our utmost to make our solutions as friendly as possible.
For example, we recently made ordering from an internal catalog easier, we introduced product variations, we made it possible to include financial information when importing data to Contract Management and we limited the eInvoices a user sees to what is relevant for that specific user.
While these are small steps in user friendliness, it is our nature to keep doing them!
Friendly by nature

International by design

Even if your organization is active in only one country, you are still part of the international ecosystem. Your Rego users might prefer a different language and your suppliers may send you goods from anywhere. 

To support this, we believe in “international by design”. An example of this is, in the first quarter of 2023 we released widgets  for multi-lingual companies, as well as improving time zone support.
International by design
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