Orbit Group improves supplier and contract management with Proactis

Proactis, the global spend management company, today announced that Orbit, one of the largest housing groups in the UK, has extended its Proactis Sourcing solution to help manage their suppliers and contracts in line with best practice and in a cost-effective way.

By leveraging its existing Proactis Sourcing solution to include supplier relationship management and contract management, Orbit will benefit from new software capabilities including supplier and contract directories, self-service components, scoring, timeline monitoring and analytics, providing critical information to the organization about its suppliers, contracts and KPIs at any time, in any location.

Andy Brown, Head of Procurement Delivery at Orbit said: “Proactis enables us to ensure greater compliance to the required standards. Their web-based tools help us improve and develop supplier and contract performance across locations, nationwide, via a consistent approach which will maximize efficiencies and promote value adding across the supply base.”

In using Proactis, Orbit will work closely with suppliers and internal customers to improve standards throughout the supply chain and throughout the life of the contract. It will support the full supply lifecycle process – supplier engagement, qualification, recruitment, on-boarding and appraisal – and ensure that the contract is effectively administered and monitored to improve visibility and transparency, while mitigating risk.

Orbit Group is the latest long-standing customer to extend its solution to streamline, standardize and enhance all aspects of the sourcing process to achieve greater savings and compliance. Proactis already supports leading social housing companies such as Trident Housing, Anchor Trust, Origin Housing, Genesis Housing, Pobl Group and The Riverside Group.