The better the interaction in your network, the greater value it is to you
Business networks have fuelled business growth for many years - enabling participants to reach across the world, think big and magnify their impact.
They allow suppliers and buyers to think bigger - and to make a greater impact on the buyers, sellers and ultimately customers who rely on them. And networks are becoming not only faster but smarter.
Networks help organizations operate faster, leaner and smarter, not only showing the world as it is, but as it could be. Relevant communication, business and tendering opportunities are available instantly, and as cloud-based applications now take on many of the function’s day-to-day activities, they free up professionals to focus on strategic priorities.
Supplier-buyer interaction can be a manually-intensive process, often involving high transaction and administrative costs. Limited access to accurate, up-to-date information makes it difficult for each party to handle their side of a transaction and can represent a huge strain on resources. It can also be very frustrating for each party, making it hard to “do business”.
Solutions should fully leverage the power of the cloud to streamline business processes - single, easy to use, secure networks that connect suppliers with buyers. The ability to put your organization directly in front of potential new customers and making it easier for existing customers to buy from you within their systems should not be underestimated. You should be able to access visibility of new opportunities, speed your ability to deliver quotes and proposals, and receive orders electronically.
The Supplier Network provides access to a world of qualified buyers who are engaging in the buying process - all electronically-enabled on an open, collaborative business platform for ease of discovery, connection and transaction. Users benefit from end-to-end electronic interaction, including searching for tenders, presenting content rich catalogs, electronic invoicing and real-time status updates.
Technology enhances our business relationships, our personal ones, and the quality of all our lives. The world’s most powerful networks can evaluate immense amounts of information, and if the right one is selected, can be intuitive, reliable and - above all - consistent in delivering bottom-line value.