Workforce Management Software

Lower costs by getting a grip on hiring temporary staff
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From the initial request for personnel and contracting to timekeeping and invoice processing, Proactis Workforce ensures that the entire hiring process of temporary staff is faster and more efficient. The solution streamlines every step of the process: defining framework agreements, job profiles, personnel requests, candidate selection, drafting hiring contracts and timekeeping.
The system links these steps together to ensure that data does not have to be manually entered again and again. You no longer have to waste time on administration and authorisation processes but can fully focus on finding the best person for the job.
welchem Lieferanten und zu welchen Kosten
Instant access to who you are hiring as temporary staff, from which supplier, and for what cost.

Einfacherer und schnellerer Verwaltungsprozess.
Simpler and faster administrative process.

Geringere Kosten für die Rekrutierung und Auswahl von Personal.
Lower costs for recruitment and selection of personnel.

Weniger fehlerhafte Rechnungen.
Fewer incorrect invoices.

Streamline your hiring processes

With Proactis Workforce you can easily compose and register hiring contracts for your temporary worker without repeatedly having to enter existing data into the system. Workers can complete their timesheets electronically and, once approved, it is ready for processing.

The software will support whichever standard the employment agency uses for sending electronic messages, so timesheets do not need rekeying by the provider. Timesheets are approved by both you and the agency, reducing the chances of incorrect invoices entering the system. The solution also enables ‘’reversed billing’’, enabling to send invoice proposals to suppliers based on approved timesheets.
Streamline your hiring processes

Effective communication

Improve the partnership with your external labor suppliers through effective and simple communication - you can send personnel requests with one click of the mouse to different contracted providers without having to skip necessary authorisation steps.

You can invite candidates for an interview through the system based on the CVs that you receive from your agency. The software will ensure that agencies are kept up to date about the selected and unsuccessful candidates.
Effective communication - hiring

Cut costs by bundling

While each department may work with its own employment agency, you can realise significant savings by bundling the hiring within the whole of your organisation under framework agreements. 

Proactis Workforce enables you to determine the rates and other agreements with the agency in a framework contract. This information can then be combined with vacancy data, and you can be sure that correct rates are displayed for each job profile.
Cut costs by workforce bundling
Our experts will guide you through our solution and answer all of your questions.