Business Continuity: Accounts Payable Processing
In unprecedented times such as these, some businesses are better equipped to maintain operations than others and while “business as usual” may seem a long shot, it’s certainly not impossible with the right planning and support.
We recently identified that, in the current climate,
managing your supply chain, and the risks involved, is absolutely critical to your organization’s financial health and competitive performance. But it doesn’t stop there. Suppliers, under severe stress of their own, need a payment process that is quick, easy and uninterrupted to provide ongoing services.
Forward-thinking organizations know this.
Anyone relying on paper-based, manual Accounts Payable processes are now challenged - how they are able to receive invoices, how they will get orders validated, how they will receive the necessary approvals, and how they will pay suppliers, are just a couple of key considerations. At best, this is cumbersome, at worst it will result in suppliers not being paid, and the whole supply chain being disrupted.